
A cheap but charming NYC lesbian mom muses about muses about consumerism and wanting the good life, without having to pay top dollar for it. (Oh, and with some random ramblings about her own extended family, parenting toddlers, the NYC school system, fashion, Lindsay Lohan, and other fun stuff.)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

"Morning" Sickness?

All the books I've read on pregnancy say morning sickness is a misnomer; that you're really sick morning, noon and night. I'd been doing ok for the past few weeks, just feeling a low-grade, constant nausea, but nothing too dramatic. Dr. Dodson said the nausea peaks around week 8, and it certainly has. Yesterday and today have been pretty rough. Riding the subway is bad. Taking the 4/5 to Grand Central, well, from Grand Central, especially, during rush hour, is the worst. It's so crowded, everyone is just squished together, all up in your face, and there's no fresh air--really worsening the nausea. I've almost vomited on the train a couple times, and more times, almost passed out from feeling nauseous, then subsequently weak. Like there's an alien in my stomach that is eating up all of my energy, until I feel faint. That sounds negative, more negative than I mean, but the feeling of loss of equilibrium is intense and unpleasant.

Today I had a normal lunch, or so I thought. I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a tiny bit of chili and rice, and a fruit cup. Well, honestly, it was 3/4 of a pound of fruit. Then all of a sudden, I felt really full from the fruit, and all of a sudden, really nauseous. I tried to hold it back but after about 10 minutes, threw up all of the fruit. Then immediately after, I craved Tasti D-light. It was so powerful, the craving. I went out in sheets of rain. Tasti D-Light was closed. I walked the other direction, toward Crema Lita, and tasted pistachio, and then vanilla. I got a small serving of half and half of each. With a side of Diet A&W root beer. The root beer really satisfies. The Crema Lita, not so much. It tastes creamy, but not rich like ice cream. And the consistency is more creamy/fluffy than the frozen yogurt I like. I've also been nursing the flu, but after that Crema Lita, I started to feel worse. I didn't throw up again, but felt nauseous for the rest of the day, and cranky. My staff was also being particularly annoying today. I'm sure that when I tell them, they will blame my recent moodiness on the pregnancy. Is that fair, if I get annoyed because they aren't doing their jobs efficiently? Here's to hoping I feel better tomorrow, especially for my meeting with Bloomie's.


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