
A cheap but charming NYC lesbian mom muses about muses about consumerism and wanting the good life, without having to pay top dollar for it. (Oh, and with some random ramblings about her own extended family, parenting toddlers, the NYC school system, fashion, Lindsay Lohan, and other fun stuff.)

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


The front cover of the New York Post made me laugh today. Headline said "Bimbo Summit," with a pic of new BFFS Linds, Brit, and Paris--the latter two of whom have showed their snatch in public without any underwear. Wow, Britney's divorcing the bum, but she's not exactly taking the classy road thereafter.

This week we'll be at 12 weeks of pregnancy. The morning sickness is supposed to be tapering off, but far from it. I still feel as nauseous as ever, and to make matters worse, I've got my second really bad cold since I became pregnant. Are pregnant women more prone to colds and other infections? My doc says there's nothing I can do but try to take it easy, drink a ton of fluids and lay low. Am doing that, but flying on Thanksgiving in a packed plane didn't help.

I feel like an alien has invaded my body. An alien who is very, very hungry. This morning, I felt like crap but forced myself to eat breakfast so I wouldn't puke on the subway. I had a piece of peanut butter toast. When I got to work, I was hungrier than ever, and ate two bowls of Rice Krispies. WTF?? I am craving, and eating, things I never even liked before. Or at least, things I didn't admit I liked, or didn't allow myself to eat. Things like pizza, and pasta (my days of craving fish and lean meats are really over. The thought of fish makes me sick now), and cheesesteaks, and great big pieces of carrotcake, and burgers and fries and milkshakes. The other day I saw someone on the street with McDonald's, and I almost tackled him.

I eat dessert twice a day now, and it shows. I've gained at least five lbs since this all began, and my boobs are a half cup size bigger--that's a general estimate anyway. And I think I have a small bump! Ingrid says it's just because I was concave in my stomach before, but I think I looked good, and cut. Now, I've got the definite beginnings of a tummy. I first started noticing it last weekend, over Thanksgiving in Dallas. When I ate about as much as I ate during the entire month of November last year.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I love your blog. Thank you for sharing it.

Congratulations on (almost)12 weeks. I'm sorry you're feeling sick, but if you need someone to eat with - CALL ME!

Finally, I think it's important to note that all three of the "bimbos" have been photographed getting out of a car in short skirt with no panties. Pure class.

4:19 PM  

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