
A cheap but charming NYC lesbian mom muses about muses about consumerism and wanting the good life, without having to pay top dollar for it. (Oh, and with some random ramblings about her own extended family, parenting toddlers, the NYC school system, fashion, Lindsay Lohan, and other fun stuff.)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Working Again

After seven weeks off of working, I finished my first full day back at work, and damn! Working is exhausting! But good.

Priorities: There's a nice espresso machine at work, plus many cartons of organic Horizons milk in the fridge. High-End Freegan loves free expensive milk! And good coffee--they get French and Italian roast beans from Fresh Direct. Mmmm.

Plus I made the acquaintance of the HR person at work, who has enormous, family-size bags of gummy things at her desk. Things like oversize Coke bottles, regular-size bears, your standard-issue worms. She let me dip in at around 4, and I took a Supersize Coke bottle (her advice: "You need two of these, max." I only took one, as I was embarrassed to let my true, High-End Freegan freak out of the box on just the first day.

Oh, and someone got Balthazar lunch delivered; it's so close (we're in Chinatown)--love that! Looking forward to exploring all the options for lunch around there.

Haven't stolen any office supplies yet...


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