Working Again
After seven weeks off of working, I finished my first full day back at work, and damn! Working is exhausting! But good.

Plus I made the acquaintance of the HR person at work, who has enormous, family-size bags of gummy things at her desk. Things like oversize Coke bottles, regular-size bears, your standard-issue worms. She let me dip in at around 4, and I took a Supersize Coke bottle (her advice: "You need two of these, max." I only took one, as I was embarrassed to let my true, High-End Freegan freak out of the box on just the first day.
Oh, and someone got Balthazar lunch delivered; it's so close (we're in Chinatown)--love that! Looking forward to exploring all the options for lunch around there.
Haven't stolen any office supplies yet...
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