
I just read this in Us Weekly on the treadmill at the gym. Tori, who's a few months pregnant, and her hubby Dean got KFC takeout. KFC!! In Hollywood!! Can you f'ing imagine?? The caption was, "Pregnancy Cravings?" Tori Spelling and I, birds of a feather!
Today marks 12 weeks for us. We visited Dr. Dodson, our new OB-GYN. She's 12.

Well, she might be 30. But still, she's younger than us. Ingrid's mom, Tita, says we should get used to that as we get older. So we got the second ultrasound, and our now-fetus (it's considered a fetus at 11 weeks) still has a beating heart! There was a tiny scare, at first the doctor couldn't find the heartbeat at first, but then she did a more complex ultrasound, and it seems like everything is OK. Our baby was moving around like crazy, right-side-up, upside-down, big old head, and little hands and feet. Ingy thinks he will be a dancer!
We told Dr. Dodson that we're not scanning in the ultrasound picture and emailing it all around, cuz it makes us feel funny when people do that. Ingrid said, "Not that there's anything wrong with those people, that's just not what we're going to do." I mean, who wants to look at someone else's ultrasound picture, unless it's your own daughter's, or your partner's, or something? If you want to see the picture, post a note here, and I'll show it to you.
The morning sickness is supposed to subside starting around 12 weeks, and I have to say, today is the first day I didn't feel light-headed or nauseous on the subway, and the first day my food cravings have really settled down. I had ONE bowl of cereal and a banana today, versus three normally. For lunch, a bowl of pasta bolognese. I had also picked up a tunafish sandwich that I found lying around the kitchen (yep, you'll eat almost anything when you've got pregnancy hunger. Or at least, I will.) But I got full before the tuna sandwich, and I put it back. Is that gross! It's progress though! I've gained four pounds. Dr. Dodson says that's not abnormal. Ingrid said that's like a one-period-cycle weight gain for her. Someone brought a family-size bag of Harvest Cheddar Sun Chips into the kitchen, and I sat there and had a picnic by myself, I was so happy. Ok, fingers crossed for our Tiny Dancer. We won't know the sex until at least another few weeks, if we choose to. We're still trying to decide that....
OMG, I almost forgot! Also in US Weekly, I caught up on the Britney/Paris BFF situation. Get this: they're sharing clothes from Paris' closet now, and guess what they do to "pre-party?" They take turns dancing on the stripper pole IN PARIS' HOUSE!! She has a stripper pole! At home! "Um, Daddy, I want a stripper pole!!" It's really genius.
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