
A cheap but charming NYC lesbian mom muses about muses about consumerism and wanting the good life, without having to pay top dollar for it. (Oh, and with some random ramblings about her own extended family, parenting toddlers, the NYC school system, fashion, Lindsay Lohan, and other fun stuff.)

Friday, December 03, 2010


Just returned to the conference room and chatted with my one work friend, a younge cute gay guy in the art department. Just in time for them to be giving away the extra goat cheese. Got some for tonight's Manhattan Friday Nights with our friends Claudia and Amanda, thereby eliminating the need for anyone to stop by Stinky Brooklyn. Great irony: I found out that the magazine I now work for got all of the food and wine donated from different people they have covered in the magazine. Freegans, unite!

Hanukkah Party at Work

At my new freelance job in midtown at a big corporate fashion magazine, there was a holiday toast in the conference room (money-saving measure): tasteful wines, four different artisanal goat cheeses (with truffle oil, pepper, other little goodies) from some farm in the Hudson Valley, saucisson, baguettes from Le Pain Quotidien, and cupcakes from Georgetown Bakery.

High-End Freegan hits the jackpot. Since my lunch (that would have been expensed) with former coworker was canceled, I slipped into the conference room when the party was in full swing, filled up a plate with charcuterie, all the while acting invisible, and returned to my desk to eat in solitude. Have only been here three weeks and not ready to socialize with coworkers and drink wine, and try to think of funny yet inoffensive banter. I did take two cupcakes for Clyde and Eli: one with a gingerbread man done in fondant on the top, and a red velvet with a little cinnamon red hot heart. Speaking of hearts, do I know how to get to a toddler's, or what?

Not to lose focus: Yes, I will revisit the conference room later for leftovers, including wine.