A Lesbian Shower
Our friends Liz and Jess last night told us that they told their lesbian posse of 8 basketball players that we were pregnant. One of the ballers said, "That hot girl is pregnant?" Ingrid said, "You've still got it, baby!" I felt pretty proud, and kicked up my heels right on 6th Avenue. Then Liz told us that their friend KerryAnn, an attorney who ran the NYC marathon this year, wants to have a lesbian baby shower for us. I thought that was about the sweetest thing I'd ever heard. Thanks KerryAnn!
Next week I go back to St. Vincent's for an "UltraScreen," a first-course, noninvasive test that involves taking blood and a sonogram to monitor the fetus to test for chromosomal abnormalities, particularly Down Syndrome. After this test, they can tell us our odds about whether our fetus might be chromosomally disordered. Right now, as a 35-year-old woman, my odds right off the bat are about 1 in 350 to have a child with Down Syndrome. This test fine tunes those odds a bit. People are asking if we're doing the genetic testing. Everyone has an opinion, as most people do about all aspects of pregnancy. Ingrid and I didn't want to do any testing at first. Now we're doing the first course. A second course of testing is an amniocentesis, which is invasive and carries a small risk of miscarriage. Off the bat, we don't want to do that, but I guess we'll see how the first test goes.

Seriously, Liz, hamburgers are so much more mouth watering than skrimps. I think this whole pregnancy thing is refining your taste buds.
And there is a seafood lover in me.
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