Paging Anna Wintour, and fertility drugs

I sat next to a colleague from Bloomingdale's, who apparently knew more about my personal life than I'd realized she did. When I told her I was pregnant, she said, in a really jokey voice, "How'd that happen? NYU?" I laughed and said, "RMA." [Reproductive Medicine Associates] I heard all about her trials of being on Clomid and doing IUIs, and how now that she's 40, she wants it to happen quickly and is considering going on injectable drugs right away because she doesn't want to waste any more time. When I told her about my acupuncture, how I thought that really helped, she said she'd been doing that too, but she seemed pretty set on doing the fertility drugs and speeding the process along. A colleague in her office did IVF and had triplets a year ago. My colleague said, "You're gonna do some normal names for me, right?" I laughed this off and said that we were doing some traditional family names, but that we might do some non-gender specific ones, and she seemed to think this was crazy. To each her own, right? Everyone is very opinionated about names, it seems!

On the cover of Us weekly this week is a story about Britney's recently revealed lesbian affairs, and how this could threaten her custody battle. Are you kidding? She's a mess, lesbian affairs or not--those have nothing to do with her parenting skills, let's talk about her BAD TASTE IN MEN! Oh, Sean Preston Federline, we pray for you...
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