We had a lesbian basketball team over on Saturday night for cocktails. They all loved Tiny! I tried to shake a vodka martini for someone, and the shaker burst and I was covered with vodka. Tiny needs to get used to that.

Today was the 20-week anatomy scan. Tiny seems to have all of its parts, with a beautiful brain and beautiful spine, Dr. Margano says. Everything seems to look normal, we are happy to report. 10 fingers, 10 toes, two ears, two eyes, two heart valves, a bladder, legs, arms, etc. That sonogram took a darn long time--like an hour and a half! After awhile, we were even starting to get tired... but thrilled that all is good.
My stepdad came over yesterday to help us do projects on the house. We put knobs on all the kitchen cabinets and cut down the legs on our kitchen barstools for a better fit. Trying to get things in order before Tiny gets here.
I teared up a little bit reading this entry. (I'm also listening to emotional music on my iTunes.)
CONGRATULATIONS on 10 fingers & 10toes - and on bar stools that fit. It's all fitting together, one little step at a time, isn't it? It's absolutely beautiful and I've never felt more connected to friends who are having a baby.
Amazing and. Breathtaking.
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