
A cheap but charming NYC lesbian mom muses about muses about consumerism and wanting the good life, without having to pay top dollar for it. (Oh, and with some random ramblings about her own extended family, parenting toddlers, the NYC school system, fashion, Lindsay Lohan, and other fun stuff.)

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Clyde is 8 wks today

Ahhh, too much has happened to be able to record it all, but I'll summarize. We are at the Jersey Shore for two weeks with Ing's mom, Mama Tita. I was worried about how Ing's family would react once the baby was born, but the event seems to have passed with flying colors.

Last night, I was demonstrating some goofy song that I made up for Clyde, and I.S., who hasn't hugged or held Clyde at all, said, "Liz. What is that ruckus you are teaching my darling granddaughter?" He called her his granddaughter! That's a first. I was pretty thrilled.

Then, today, we got a note in the mail from Great Grandma Eberly, who I feared would never acknowledge Baby Clyde has her granddaughter. She wrote her a letter thanking her Moms for their thank-you note, and saying how she admired the pictures of her, and letting her know that it was hard work being a supermodel! The note was addressed to Clyde E. Eberly. I had tears in my eyes reading it. That one's going into her scrapbook, from Gma Lynn.

We're having a good two weeks. I love you, Clyde.

Duffy, if you are reading, good luck with the c-section in two weeks!

Oh, the people next door to the Eberlys down here at the Shore, who are from Pittsburgh, have a daughter my age who has two kids, 6 and 7. She told me she was in the best shape of her life, ripped and only 15% bodyfat, 3 months after her last child. She said she did an hour and a half of precor machine and hour of yoga a day and that did it. How the hell, I wondered, did she find the time to do that without a nanny? I'm still pondering that one. As I'm still wondering how the 15 extra baby lbs on me are going to disappear if I eat ice cream after every meal....


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