
A cheap but charming NYC lesbian mom muses about muses about consumerism and wanting the good life, without having to pay top dollar for it. (Oh, and with some random ramblings about her own extended family, parenting toddlers, the NYC school system, fashion, Lindsay Lohan, and other fun stuff.)

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Day 2 Alone with Baby Clyde

We survived Day 2 alone together. We took the subway into Manhattan, which was a breeze during the day because there wasn't much traffic in the stations or on the trains. I took her in the infant carrier, that's like a backpack up against your body. She slept the whole ride, which was, to be fair, only two stops.

We met some friends at this great restaurant, BLT Fish Shack, around Union Square, for lunch. Had a lovely, leisurely lunch---oysters, lobster rolls, tuna steak BLTs, glass of Sancerre--while my friends held her the entire time. She seemed to love it. I breastfed at the restaurant, with a little napkin over her head. It worked out ok. (See attached pics of my friends holding and loving on Baby Clyde.)

We took the subway back, with a little more traffic but not bad, and she continued sleeping. Until we got home, and she was awake for two hours (longest time period yet!), some of it crying and trying to feed/soothe herself on the breast. She stopped crying when Ingrid got home (go figure).

Tita informed us that Tiger Woods and his wife, Elin, had a baby girl and named her Sam Alexis. Tita says, as usual, that we are on the cutting edge of names!

She is crying much more these days, but we are trying to soothe her in other ways besides just breastfeeding, and letting her cry a little bit. It's hard to hear that little cry but it reminds me that that's her only form of communication with us, and that crying is OK.

Tonight we go to a newborn care class at this baby center place. Details TK.


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