
A cheap but charming NYC lesbian mom muses about muses about consumerism and wanting the good life, without having to pay top dollar for it. (Oh, and with some random ramblings about her own extended family, parenting toddlers, the NYC school system, fashion, Lindsay Lohan, and other fun stuff.)

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Brooklyn Family Pride

Clyde has had two major events now: Friday night, we went out to dinner at our favorite restaurant, Jolie, with my mom and our friend Nina who is 20 weeks pregnant. Clyde slept the ENTIRE time; it was great! I had raw fish and a gin martini, and Clyde wasn't up until FOUR hours later.

Yesterday, we put her in our big stroller, the Inglesina Zippy, and walked to Prospect Park for Brooklyn Gay and Lesbian Pride Day (a much smaller event than its Manhattan counterpart, but sort of sweet nonetheless). They had a Kid Space, where there were a bunch of families and little kids... babies, toddlers, older kids, with face painting, puppets, live music, etc.

Clyde was also great. She slept through the music but we did change our first diaper outside of the house (in the park) and I breastfed her in the park--it was pretty seamless. She got a bit fussy on the walk home (to be fair, the entire walk was about four miles) but only for about the last three blocks because she was hungry. We were exhausted after that walk though, and we all took our family nap together around 3. (That's a new ritual, and one that I love).

The sleeping is getting better. Clyde slept entirely in her bassinet the last two nights. The waking up has been more stable the last two nights too: she's waking up about every two or two and a half hours, so we can really get a good chunk of sleep before having to wake up to feed again. Thus far, it's been manageable, and I'm not feeling too depleted. Ingrid has next week to work from home as well, but goes back to work full time on June 18--I'm terrified about that Monday, but we'll take it day by day.

Ingrid started a photo website, Clyde Pride, to see more Clyde. Enjoy!


Blogger Nom Nom said...

Just wanted to say congratulations to both you and Ingrid...Clyde is adorable and I can't wait to meet her in person. I am so excited and proud of you guys!!
Much love,

5:47 PM  

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