
A cheap but charming NYC lesbian mom muses about muses about consumerism and wanting the good life, without having to pay top dollar for it. (Oh, and with some random ramblings about her own extended family, parenting toddlers, the NYC school system, fashion, Lindsay Lohan, and other fun stuff.)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Hot Mama

I finally saw the Justin Timberlake/Scarlett Johansson video "What Goes Around Comes Around" at the gym this morning. Hot! Scarlett and Justin are seriously the couple I'd most like to... and I don't even really like guys! Plus there's a lesbo moment in it, when Scarlett says, "I like girls." Check it out:

After my 10 days of having a cold, I gained two lbs! That might be part and parcel of the six-month mark but I'm back at the gym now. We'll see... Our friend Katie says I need to relax about it all. She's right, I know.

Today I got a call from a nurse at Capital Blue Cross, my insurance provider. They offer extra prenatal care with an RN who talks with you on the phone and asks questions, checks in, etc. Judy was VERY concerned with my alcohol intake during my pregnancy. I told her I drink maybe half a glass of wine or beer at a dinner or special occasion, well, occasionally. She was concerned I didn't know the risks, and wondered if I'd talked to my OB about it, which I lied and said I did. I told Judy I was comfortable with the risks, and that I really wasn't abusing alcohol. She was still nervous though and I basically said, "Judy, don't sweat it. It's my risk and I know the risks and I'm comfortable with it." So she said she'd get off it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the video link, I just watched most it before being interrupted by Ava.
For some reason, I think Justin is so hot when he sings his newer songs. He is totally not might type, but just the way he sounds and moves, I love it. And god Johanna is just sultry gorgeous.

Glad to hear you two are having so much fun registering and shopping for the baby. I went on Monday with a girlfriend of mine Daina (who is due at the end of May) to register. I must say, even after having 2 children of my own, it is still a bit overwhelming. The must come out with tons of new crap each month.

I was so moved and motivated by your comment regarding loading are dumps with tons of plastic baby items and being thrilled for hand me downs, that I shared it with all the other preschool mothers this morning. I always have and still do love hand me down toys and clothes, but for the sole purpose of saving money. Hoever, now I have a whole new outlook and appreciation. I got my March issue of Parents magazine yesterday and it is a Green Issue and I am so into all the suggestions etc.

Thanks so much for sharing,

4:07 PM  

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