
A cheap but charming NYC lesbian mom muses about muses about consumerism and wanting the good life, without having to pay top dollar for it. (Oh, and with some random ramblings about her own extended family, parenting toddlers, the NYC school system, fashion, Lindsay Lohan, and other fun stuff.)

Monday, March 19, 2007

Breastfeeding. It's a Bitch.

I want to share a note from my good friend from high school (a guy) whose wife had a baby in December. He read my blog where Shana said breastfeeding is the hardest thing she's ever done.

"I will say a breast feeding class is a VERY GOOD thing to consider. [My wife] forced me to go to hers (one class on a Saturday) and I am really glad I went. The natural assumption is, "how hard could it be? You stick the baby on, bite your lower lip in pain, and let the magic begin." Well, it is not that easy. There is an art to it all. And for some reason it is this dirty secret that most women (at least everyone I have talked to) have had a really hard time with it. Here are some observations I have (all be it from a man):

1. Everyone's experience is completely unique. Don't trust your friends who tell you exactly what it is going to be like. Just like the babies themselves; it seems everyone makes their own way and has their own set of issues.

2. Breast feeding is shockingly political right now. I am amazed how passionate some people are about breast feeding. Many people don't bat an eye when it comes to the war in Iraq or the plight of the poor but if you mention "formula feeding," suddenly you are evil incarnated and your child should be taken away from you. Also how long one breast feeds has been a hot topic. If you can do it at all, great. If you can do it for 6 months, wonderful. My feeling is if the baby can ask for it...maybe you are going a bit too long.

3. Hormones make everything worse. Every time that baby doesn't latch on and begins screaming you will feel (according to my wife) like you are the worst parent in the world. It is funny how intense those first few weeks (especially when you throw in sleep deprivation) feel. Just make sure Ingrid is there as your voice of reason. Your feelings will be very real but that doesn't make them true.

4. Despite what we think, not everyone breast feeds. We read that 25% of women don't even bother trying. And then another 30% give up after one month. The majority of women don't even do it."

THANK YOU, friend! I really appreciate this advice, and I think a lot of women would, too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the baby can ask for it, you're going a bit too long? How about if the baby can ask you to help her date pin on her corsage? Is that a bit too long, too? That's how long I plan to go.

Anyway, can't wait to see you this weekend...

6:53 PM  

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