
A cheap but charming NYC lesbian mom muses about muses about consumerism and wanting the good life, without having to pay top dollar for it. (Oh, and with some random ramblings about her own extended family, parenting toddlers, the NYC school system, fashion, Lindsay Lohan, and other fun stuff.)

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Owning a House is Fun(ny)

The squirrel situation is at a standstill. There's no more evidence of the squirrel in the wall, but we haven't trapped the squirrel either. And there's no dead-squirrel smell, either. I guess that's good but it means there's no resolution. Ingrid bought a bunch of steel wool today and plugged some holes in the basement.

On Friday morning I discovered one of the outlets, that our coffee makers are plugged into, wasn't working. I tested the coffeemaker, and turned off all the fuses, and reset the switch. Nothing. I was bummed. The last thing I wanted was to have to get an electrician in here to investigate a wiring problem. Like magic, this morning (two days later), the outlet was working again. At the same time, we found what looked like a raw black bean or a black seedling on our sofa. I'd seen a couple of these around, on our stoop and on the roof. It kind of resembled a rodent dropping, but was hard and had a sprouting area. Very confusing. We put the bean in a ziploc to show it to the exterminator. We decided there's a ghost in the house, that's screwing with the outlets and leaving beans on the sofa.

On our walk to Prospect Park, I saw tons of these beans on the ground and realized they're seedlings from a certain tree I've decided is indigenous to Boerum Hill, Brooklyn. We must've brought it in on our shoe last night walking home from dinner. I still think we have a ghost.

Last night we had dinner at Blue Ribbon Sushi Brooklyn. It was excellent. And expensive. Ing got a small box (that's how they serve a large serving--in a wooden box) of sake for $18. We shared it. Yes, I had some very rare tuna, and some raw baby yellowtail, and then some cooked sushi, and half a glass of sake. I'm not telling Nurse Judy. Then we went to the Chocolate Room in Park Slope, which has, I've decided, the best desserts I've ever had: Ing got their fresh mint chip ice cream with hot fudge, and I got a molten hot chocolate torte, with burnt orange ice cream and caramel sauce. It was SOOOO worth it.

Today we walked our normal loop around Prospect Park, which is about 4 miles total. I felt pretty good but slower than normal and my back was hurting by the end. Tiny! What're you doing down there??

My good friend Shana from high school is due to give birth TOMORROW! I can't wait to hear how her labor goes. Shana, I'm thinking of you!


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