So Clyde Elizabeth Eberly was born June 2 at 5:14 p.m., weighing 6 lb. 7 oz, and measuring 20 inches. That's pretty skinny and long. We think she's already bound to be a supe, except oops, she has my genes, so probably not. She is amazing and advanced and beautiful already. We are super biased.

The whole experience at NYU Hospital was AH MAY ZING. We loved all of our nurses, and I had a great experience with labor and delivery, and as well with recovery. It really was as good as it possibly could have been. Since I've been home, I'm resting, and going to the bathroom is a bit of an ordeal (I had a minor perineal tear, and I had some hemorrhoids from pushing, so I have this spray bottle that I have to wash with, and I have to wear these maternity sanitary pads. It's HOT.), but for the most part, I am doing amazingly well and feeling great and full of energy. Had first walk Tuesday, four blocks. Yesterday, 8 blocks to Target. Today, two times to Target, once by myself with Clyde. That was an adventure. Life with a newborn is very different. We've been holed up in the womb of our house, and outside it's summer, and we live in the 'hood, and so everyone is screaming and there's tons of sirens and traffic and people cursing, and it's just chaotic outside. Thank goodness it hasn't been too hot so we can leave the windows open and just enjoy the inside of the house.
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