
A cheap but charming NYC lesbian mom muses about muses about consumerism and wanting the good life, without having to pay top dollar for it. (Oh, and with some random ramblings about her own extended family, parenting toddlers, the NYC school system, fashion, Lindsay Lohan, and other fun stuff.)

Monday, June 04, 2007

Labor, Part One

Hi everyone--aint technology great? I'm emailing you from my blackberry in the hospital bed.

I'm including everyone awaiting Tiny, and those who have been reading my blog. Since I am not blogging now, consider this my 38 wks entry. Will update when I can.

First off, I talked a big game about natural childbirth for months. I hope you can all forgive that I just got done getting the epidural--the spinal medication that really takes the edge off. I tried, guys, I really did.

I have been here at the hospital for 24 hrs. I had my 38-wk checkup yesterday am, and my amniotic fluid levels were low--not good for the fetus. So dr. Dodson said, "go directly to nyu, do not go home to get your bag, do not pass go--you're having this baby today or tmrw." After 3 hrs in triage/checkin, I got a drug called cytotec at 2 pm yesterday. It's prostaglandin, which softens and thins the cervix, aiming to cause dilation (opening, which must happen to pass the baby through). The doc on duty checked my cervix 4 hrs later, and basically no progress. They checked me again around 10, still no progress.

So at midnight, they started me on an iv drip of pitocin, a drug that stimulates more frequent contractions, which should help labor progress also. For the next nine hours, contractions did get stronger and more frequent. I breathed very well, the nurses say, and I have to say, all my yoga helped with that. Ingrid has been amazing--giving me verbal affirmation, kisses, massaged my legs and neck, she's been amazing. Luckily, she was able to sleep during the hrs btw 11 and 6 am. As was I, to some degree.

Then at 10 am, I got another vaginal exam. I'm still only 2 cm dilated (10 is fully dilated, and 4 cm is "active labor." So I'm not even in active labor yet, after all this time. It really is hurry up and wait.

SO at around 9, the contractions had gotten more intense, and I feared that I could be here another 12 hours, easily. And the pain was getting more intense--so I called it. Two anestheseologists came in, and they put a needle in my spine to numb the area, then they inserted the catheter that the pain meds are delivered through. The catheter insertion, combined with intense contractions, caused me to sweat and brought tears to my eyes. It hurt. 6 on a scale of 1 to 10.

The epidural was a good decision ultimately. I still feel the contractions, but for less duration and intensity. But I am immensely more comfortable. And still not progressing! Well, the baby's head is down in my pelvis, and my cervix is softening a bit, which is good. But we've got a long day ahead.

Good news is, the entire staff at NYU has been just amazing. I was skeptical but have been so positively surprised. We're on our third labor nurse, and love them all. Andrea was a lesbian who was a hoot and very affirming and lives in brooklyn and is getting married next year in s africa, where gay marriage is legal. Next was Bell, a nurse who just got her midwife degree--also very loving and affirming. Now, Georgette, an older lady who is also very nice and sort of sassy, is looking after us. Plus we have some ob residents doing the vaginal exams, and they've been super helpful as well.

So that's the rub. Honestly, we are doing fine, but hurrying up and waiting. Thanks for the love, everyone!


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