
A cheap but charming NYC lesbian mom muses about muses about consumerism and wanting the good life, without having to pay top dollar for it. (Oh, and with some random ramblings about her own extended family, parenting toddlers, the NYC school system, fashion, Lindsay Lohan, and other fun stuff.)

Monday, August 13, 2007

New Mommies Group

I went to a new mommies group in Park Slope, that Ingrid found for us online. I've met two women whom I really like, Laura, who is a mother of three (a 4 and 2-y.o. and now newborn Naomi, Clyde's friend). Ing and I couldn't figure out why Laura would be at a new moms group if she already knows how to be a mom, x 3. So I flat-out asked her, and she said she likes meeting new moms with kids the same age as her kids, and that all her friends with newborns had boys and she wants some girl babies to get to know Naomi. Cute!

Then there's Jessica from Entertainment Weekly, a TV writer and humorist/personality at the mag. I like her the most. I've decided she's going to be my new best friend. She invited Ingrid, Clyde and me over to watch DVDs of the fall pilots at her apartment. Holla! I am excited to be making new mom friends who live in the neighborhood, and who get free DVDs!

We hired a nanny. I am sad about having to start training her, as it means less time with just Liz and Clyde alone together. But I feel good about the nanny.

I saw my OB for my follow-up visit, and everything is in order, and my vagina is back to its normal self again. I guess. Who would know??? The doc says usually women don't start trying to get pregnant again until they start menstruating regularly again, and that doesn't usually happen until you stop breastfeeding. So we'll see what happens in the next few months, in re: # 2!


Blogger Nick said...

We'll have to compare notes on the Fall pilots! How fun!

9:27 AM  

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