
A cheap but charming NYC lesbian mom muses about muses about consumerism and wanting the good life, without having to pay top dollar for it. (Oh, and with some random ramblings about her own extended family, parenting toddlers, the NYC school system, fashion, Lindsay Lohan, and other fun stuff.)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Reading is Fundamental!

Our nanny, Clare, started last week. I have some trouble with effective management, and this is a new employee situation that I struggle with what the dynamic should be like. I mentioned to her that I want her to read to Clyde, and showed her the books. A couple of days passed with no reading (I've been here observing them, but kind of from a distance, and leaving for a few hours at a time), and I was feeling bummed and didn't know how to say, "You MUST read to her," without sounding like a dictator, and I do have trouble with direct communication, and sugar coating things.

After discussing with Ingrid, this morning, I said to Clare, "I know I said this before, but it bears repeating because it's so important to us. We want Clyde to be a good reader and to love reading, so I want you to try to read her at least a book a day." (Keep in mind her books take about 45 seconds to read.) "And I need to know you are doing this when I'm not here, so I'd like you to try to read to her today and tomorrow while I'm here so I can visualize you doing it and not have to worry about it."

This afternoon, she read her two books and is down on the floor, and Clyde is smiling a ton, in response.

For what it's worth...


Blogger emeanley said...

GOOD MOMMY!!!!!! Right on.

12:41 AM  

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