It was
reported yesterday that Mary Cheney and her partner are having a baby too. So Mary Cheney's pregnancy is bringing some issues of homophobia and families to the surface, as I expect ours will in our lives. Apparently Dick congratulated them, but someone from Concerned Women for America called the pregnancy "unconscionable." Nice. Last night we watched this special on PrimeTime Live where the producers set up cabbies in Las Vegas to taunt passengers by saying homophobic things, and basically all of the passengers in the experiment were like, "Gay people should be shot." The most sympathetic thing said was, "No, I don't believe ALL gays are child molesters." ???!!! I was so befuddled by this whole segment, I honestly wanted to cry. Don't get me started on the sexism of it all. By that I mean that homophobic straight men tend to be perfectly alright with hot lesbians, but it's gay males that pose a threat to them--basically the idea of sodomy, of a man penilely penetrating another man, is enough to send an entire population into a tizzy. But Madonna and Britney making out is just good TV.
This morning I went to St. Vincent's for bloodwork and a 13-week sonogram, as part of the UltraScreen we are having to determine our odds for chromosomal disorders for our Tiny Dancer. I waited nearly an hour but finally saw Dr. Franz Margano, who is not, in fact, Austrian or Italian, but Asian! I told him I expected an Italian man, with that name, but he said, "I ate too much rice!" Sounds like an IS Eberly comment. First thing the doc said during the sonogram was, "Ohhhh, it's a beautiful baby." I said, "Do you say that to all the girls?" He took pictures at every angle--it was Tiny's first opportunity to live like Gisele Bundchen!--and showed me: Tiny has two hands, two feet, a stomach, a bladder, a brain, two kidneys, two eyes, two ears. This all seems good! So the sonogram looked good; now I have to wait for results of the bloodwork. Stay tuned, but it was very exciting. I take back what I said about sonograms. I kind of want to show off the pictures now...
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