This is what 14 weeks looks like

She calls and says, "Hi Liz? This is Dr. Cara Dodson from Spring OB-GYN."
"I know who you are."
She laughed. "You said you know who I am? Sometimes I call and say, 'This is Dr. Dodson,' and people just pause."
"You're very much in my consciousness, don't worry."
She laughed again. Then she told me that our genetic tests came back good, the first one for Down Syndrome. My odds, being a 36-y.o. woman (at the birth of our child), based on age alone, are 1 in 170, of having a fetus with DS. After the bloodwork and sonogram, our odds are 1 in 3,000. I was thrilled to hear this. I hadn't been panicked before, but this was very reassuring news. Just one less thing that I had to think of juggling. So I'm thrilled.
PS I want to shout out to the Mechanicsburg Area Brunch Club: eg Tita Eberly's friends, and the Junior League extension of Mburg, Pennsylvania. Tita emailed all of her friends about my pregnancy, and they've all sent back very affirming notes, full of encouragement and excitement and enthusiasm. It's more than I even hoped for, so I'm thrilled about that. Tita's friend Pat Myers offered to throw us a shower in Stone Harbor, where the family's beach house is. How sweet is that? She's been a family friend since Tita was in kindergarten. Pretty cute. I was very touched. Thanks Pat!
Yeah, you look like you're getting a little bigger, but what's really important, is that you clearly own some super cute bras and panties.
(Hi, Tiny!!)
I want to throw you a party everywhere...Pittsburgh, New York, Stone Harbor and Mechanicsburg. :)
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