Ingrid and I took our "golden trimester" vacation this past weekend, in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Aside from hurricane-like winds, the trip was a success and I did get a little bit of sun. Neither Tiny nor I liked the food in PR--they don't eat vegetables in restaurants there, unless you count rice and beans, and every piece of meat comes fried. The only thing I liked were our morning pastries. On the last day, we splurged and bought breakfast for $20 a person at the Hilton Caribe--there was a beautiful buffet with tropical fruits and champagne and jamon and cheeses. I stuffed some extra fruits and cheeses and breads into my bag for the plane ride. I've always fancied myself as a reincarnated Jewish grandmother. I decided I wasn't eating as much as the American men there, so that's how I justified that buffet thievery.
Body's changing: Have gained 13 lbs now, and all the bread (the other thing I liked in PR) is starting to add up. As well as the leftover chocolate from France. Am behind on our baby schedule that Ingrid devised. Was supposed to look into childbirth classes last week, and child care this week. Child care!! I'm not even 20 weeks pregnant!! I'm trying to relax about it. Our 20 week visit and ultrasound is in a week and a half, and I'm excited about that. People say that's when it really starts to hit you that you're having a baby.
My cousin Julie from France had her baby, Killian Jean-Claude Sascha Renaut, on January 1, by C-section!! Bienvenue, Killian!
I just found your blog and wanted to say Congratulations on your pregnancy!
I just found your blog and wanted to say Congratulations on your pregnancy!
How did my girl Ingrid like the fried meats? Was anything wrapped in bacon?
God, I wish I'd been there.
Nick, your girl loved the fried meats, bean and rice, and mojitos... I felt it was my duty to get Tiny comfy with not only the tastes PR but also my broken spanish, since we live next to a brooklyn bodega. I saw it as an educational trip. Even on Nevins St. we got an empanada lady frying up her goods each slightly pleasant weekend on the corner.
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