31 Weeks & the San Diego Shower & a Scary Flight

I have to get caught up. I'm actually almost at 32 weeks, but we were away last weekend and I didn't get to blog at all.
Yesterday at the gym, a woman saw me naked and said, "You look like you're about to give birth TOMORROW." I said, "Hopefully not, since I have two months left to go." Then she told me I looked great. Do people not understand that telling a woman she looks 10 mos. pregnant is not a compliment?
We flew home from our San Diego shower Sunday night, into NYC flash floods. The last half hour of the flight was extremely turbulent and there was zero visibility outside. Both Ingrid and I were scared, but wouldn't say it aloud. We held hands, tightly, and Ingrid shut the windowshade, after she told me it was totally white outside, and that the plane was zigzagging. People around us were throwing up. I was starting to perspire, and we were both nauseous. I prayed. Literally. I said, "God, or whomever you are up there, if this is our time, I'm so sorry, because I forgot to fill out my organ donor thing on my driver's license." We landed ok, and everyone applauded. The flight attendant said, "After that incredible landing, welcome to New York City."
Our San Diego trip was so lovely. We did a few couple-mile-long walks down to the beach in Del Mar, and the weather was perfection. My mom treated us to manis and pedis and it really felt like our wedding day. We had dinner for the shower at Pacifica Breeze, the place my mom and I always have breakfast together in the middle of our four-mile walks down to the beach in Del Mar. The service was great. Almost my whole family from OC and San Fran were there. My grandma was beautiful. She talked with Ingrid, and said, "I am very worried about how your family is taking the news." Ing told her that the fam loves me. Grandma later said to me, "I am very happy for you and Ingrid. When you are happy, I am happy." She also told everyone at the table (including her other sons and daughters) that I was her favorite granddaughter and how happy she was to be able to see another great-grandchild. I think my mom was pretty happy.
My mom's oldest work friends, who've known me since I was 12, were all there. My two closest junior high friends, Kurt and Shana, were there. (They've both had babies in the past four months.) I loved seeing them so much, even though Kurt pissed me off by telling me he didn't approve of the names we'd picked for the baby. (I vowed not to tell another person the name until she is born. Sorry, everyone who hasn't heard yet.) Wendy, a new friend who lives in LA whom we met at Costa Rica surf camp, was there, and it was SO great to see her.
In other news: Ing's sister Bean and her BF Dan got engaged! Congrats, Bean and Dan! Our friend Mikki says she is already busy writing the NYT Sunday Styles section's Vows column for them, about romance in the marsh.
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