
A cheap but charming NYC lesbian mom muses about muses about consumerism and wanting the good life, without having to pay top dollar for it. (Oh, and with some random ramblings about her own extended family, parenting toddlers, the NYC school system, fashion, Lindsay Lohan, and other fun stuff.)

Monday, August 27, 2007

Meeting Great Grandma and Grandpa

We drove up to Orange County to meet my maternal grandparents and my aunts and uncles who live up there. They all loved Clyde. My grandma held her, and kept saying in Vietnamese, "She's smiling, she's smiling." My grandpa, whose health is fragile, didn't hold her but came into the bedroom where I was changing her and sat down on the bed and just watched her for about 15 minutes. It was quite beautiful! All of her great aunties and uncles also held her, as did my cousin Dao, who is my same age (36) and seems to be ready for a baby. Fred says she'd better "get on the stick."

It has been so nice to have my mom and Fred around so much during this time, to help and to really get to know Clyde in the early months. It's been such a blessing, and my mom has been so in love with Clyde. It's really been a joy to watch, since I don't get to see her with babies very often. This is what she's been waiting for, for years. I only wish Mama Ingy could have been here to see Clyde meet her great grandparents.

T-minus-8 days that I go back to work. Very much not looking forward. But have bought some good fall clothes, so I'm ready, at least logistically!


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