Cowgirl Crib
This is from the NYC shower, where Fred, my mom, Tita, and Ing's sisters all came to town for it. Tita brought the crib and she and Dan and Bean installed it, and put the Dwell Baby cowgirl sheets on it. The nursery is coming together and is pretty damned cute!
Am feeling increasingly more stiff and less mobile and flexible with every day. Nights are worse. Baths help. Am heading to get a massage right now; hopefully that will provide some relief.
Are taking our childbirthing class this weekend at the Prenatal Yoga Center on the Upper West Side. Am excited for the additional education. I've been reading a lot too about birthing (thanks, Duffy, for the great books!! The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth, and Birthing From Within.) and am excited. 8 hours! Wish us luck...
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