So this was a good one. I saw a man who works in my building, who has always been very friendly with me, on the way out today. He saw me, and he said, "Wow! Congratulations!" I guess I haven't seen him since I've been showing. He said, "I didn't know you were married."
"I'm not," I said, confused. "I'm partnered," I quickly said. "But last I checked, you don't have to be married to have a baby."
He was obviously flummoxed and didn't know what to say. I tried to make the moment less awkward, by saying, "You really meant to say that you thought I was too young to be a mom, right?" And he said, "No, I just didn't see a ring."
"Wow, you're old school," I said. I wasn't hostile, but really wanted to say, "Last I checked, this was the year 2007. Not sure what planet you're living on, but welcome to this one."
Meanwhile, I thought I saw Michelle Williams on the walk home; she lives in the nabe. I have seen this woman before, and if it isn't Michelle, it's her blonder, prettier (is that possible?) doppelganger. This one has a big fluffy Siberian husky-esque dog, and is skinny and beautiful. Michelle, where are you?